Here are some better pictures to appreciate our new van. Thank you to all who enabled us to acquire this vehicle. Special thanks to the Harvard Lions Club, Rollstone Bank, Artisan Craft Fair, Daniel Kagan, Acton Ford, First Night Team, and the many other individual contributors.


The Friends of the COA is a 501C3 non-profit group which raises funds and provides financial assistance for both regular and special programs offered at the Hildreth House Senior Center.  Most programs are free to Harvard seniors thanks in a large part to the fundraising efforts of the Friends. New members are always welcome. Please inquire at the Hildreth House office. If you wish to donate to the Friends of the Harvard COA, please fill out and return

Please consider a tax-deductible gift to:

The Friends of the Harvard Council on Aging
Mail to: P.O. Box 474, Harvard, MA 01451

Name(s) as they should appear on gift acknowledgment card:

Address: ___________________________________________________
Gift Amount: _______________________________________________
My gift is made in honor of: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
My gift is made in memory of: _________________________________
Please acknowledge the gift to the family: ________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
The Friends welcome your help…
Helping with Friends-sponsored events
Serving as Friend board member
Please call me at ____________ or email me at _______________

For further information please email